Virtual Yoga Studio Offerings

I offer a variety of online therapeutic yoga classes to help students relax and release tension. Keep reading to find the right yoga class for you.


Yoga with Mindfulness

I teach a therapeutic, mindful style of yoga, combining the use of body, breath and mind. I give students the opportunity to develop an awareness of their body by encouraging them to feel from within, paying attention to safe alignment and providing a practice that is right for each student. My virtual yoga studio classes focus on the awareness of breath, providing a safe space for releasing tension and anxiety through movement, breathwork and deep relaxation.

Classes on Thursdays at 10am and 7.30pm - online

See below for more details

Virtual Yoga Studio

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a slow, meditative and deeply relaxing style of yoga. Many of us lead fast-paced and stressful lives and we are becoming so familiar with tension and tightness that rarely do we consciously realise the need to stop and release the significant stress we experience.

Next Yin workshop - coming soon - online and recording available

See below for more details

Virtual Yoga Studio

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a transformative practice, promoting profound relaxation which leads to a renewal of energy, healing and vitality.  It is a state of consciousness that is neither sleep or awake, it is better described as ‘awakened sleep’. Sign up soon for this virtual yoga studio offering.

Yoga Nidra workshop - Spring 2023 date coming soon

See below for more details

Yoga with Mindfulness

I was diagnosed with a scoliosis in my early twenties and spent most of the next 20 years on prescribed pain killers. I started yoga to improve strength and overall fitness and soon found I could move pain-free with no medication.

However, I was more surprised at the changes brought about by the breathing and relaxation, which I didn’t realise I needed. I felt the difference both physically, as tension and stress were intensifying the pain, but also mentally, as I learned to let go of needing to be ‘in control’.  Yoga opened a connection to peace & stillness within and my wish through my classes is to help others find this peace within themselves.

I teach the workshops at my virtual yoga studio, and I am a 200 hour Yoga Alliance registered teacher trained through Yogacampus, a Yoga Nidra Teacher trained with Yoga Nidra Network, a Meditation Teacher trained by Rolf Sovik of the Himalayan Institute (USA) and Yin Yoga Teacher trained by Norman Blair.

Yoga with Mindfulness Classes

I teach a therapeutic, mindful style of yoga, combining the use of body, breath and mind. I give students the opportunity to develop an awareness of their body by encouraging them to feel from within, paying attention to safe alignment and providing a practice that is right for each student. My virtual yoga studio classes focus on the awareness of breath, providing a safe space for releasing tension and anxiety through movement, breathwork and deep relaxation.

Virtual Yoga Studio

Yoga with Mindfulness Classes - Times & Booking

Please note that classes are currently online, both livestreamed and recording available, via Zoom


Mindful Yoga Flow with Deep Relaxation

Time: 10am – 11.15 am



Mindful Yoga Flow & Yoga Nidra

Time: 7.30pm – 8.45pm

Yin Yoga

Yin gives us the space to slow down and stay with our experiences rather than striving to achieve.

This floor based yoga practice invites us to stay with postures for 3 or more minutes, opening into the connective tissues around the joints and becoming still.

Virtual Yoga Studio

Yin Yoga Workshops

Please note that workshops are currently online, both livestreamed and recording available, via Zoom

I teach regular Yin Yoga workshops at Brentwood, Essex (currently online due to the requirement of many props and the safety of this during Covid-19). These hour and a half sessions include a coherent breathing practice, deeply relaxing, slow meditative yin postures with mindfulness stories weaved through. The practice finishes with a yoga nidra in a restorative posture.

Next Yin Workshop:

Next workshop coming in 2024 - check back for information

A recording is available if you are unable to attend the live class - please book as usual and email to let me know you would like the recording

Yoga Nidra

Both modern psychology and yogic philosophy believe there are three types of tensions; muscular, emotional and mental – all of which can be released through a regular practice of yoga nidra.

Yoga nidra has preventative, promotive and curative values.  Research indicates that it awakens creativity, promotes learning and memory abilities.  It is a therapeutic technique for anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress, chronic pain and sleep disorders.

The healing power of yoga nidra helps you uncover true wellness, happiness and inner peace within.

Yoga Nidra Workshops

Within my yoga nidra workshops, I combine my understanding, knowledge and training in yoga nidra with my extensive training in hypnotherapy, mindfulness, meditation and breathing. This provides for a powerful and transformative practice, opening opportunities for lasting change and deep healing. I welcome you on a journey to uncover and awaken to your true self in my virtual yoga studio workshops.

Virtual Yoga Studio

Yoga Nidra Workshops - Times & Locations

Please note that workshops are currently online, both livestreamed and recording available, via Zoom

Group Yoga Nidra

I run group Yoga Nidra workshops in Brentwood, Essex which are currently livestreamed online.

These sessions allow time to settle into breath and then journey into the wonderful world of yoga nidra.

Next Yoga Nida workshop:

date in 2024 coming soon - check back here for details - price £10

A recording is available if you are unable to attend the live class - please book as usual and email to let me know you would like the recording