About Stephanie

Therapist in Brentwood, Essex

Therapist in Brentwood, Essex


In my 30’s and 40’s I had a few sessions with a hypnotherapist to stop nail biting and for weight-loss, both with amazing results and so consequently I was fascinated by the power of our ability to re-wire our habits, behaviours and thoughts when we are guided how to do so by a good therapist. This led me to be curious around how current stressors are very often linked by emotional threads to earlier life circumstances/events and by exploring the present emotion, the patterns of behaviour can be unlocked and released. 

During a successful career in employee relations, working in all levels with employees, representatives, managers, directors and CEO’s, effectively mediating outcomes for the benefit of all parties, I realised an inner transformational shift which created a deep curiosity to explore the subtle inner workings of my life. This led me on a journey to train, first in yoga and yoga nidra and then in hypnotherapy with additional training in a range of psychotherapeutic modalities including mindfulness and PTSD.

Now as a therapist in Brentwood, I bring my experience, knowledge, training and understanding of the stressors that can present in ones life, to work with you to restore balance physically and emotionally, creating opportunities to resolve and transform issues so that you can embrace life and live to your fullest potential. I want my clients to be free of old restricted patterns and have confidence in themselves to move forward towards a more fulfilling and happy life.

On a personal level, I love walking in nature and gardening. The picture above is of my local RHS garden on a day where there were a multitude of dragonflies merrily skimming the water in the pond!