
Meditation is not a ‘doing’ practice, it is a practice of letting go, of listening and of being with what’s there when everything else is let go of.

If your emotions are overwhelming you or if you feel stuck and want to make a positive change to your life, my virtual meditation classes can help you find your path to inner transformation and peace.

Virtual Meditation Classes


Virtual Meditation Classes


Group Meditation

The Sunday morning meditation group takes place twice monthly and is open to anyone wishing to explore the opportunity to create inner change for themselves

online via zoom - Sunday 10am - 10.40am GMT - only £5.50

If you are interested in joining one of the virtual meditation classes but have questions you wish to ask first, please reach out and contact me with any questions you may have


Next Guided Meditation dates:

Sunday 11th August 2024;

Sunday 8th September 2024; Sunday 22nd September 2024;

Sunday 6th October 2024; Sunday 27th October 2024;

Sunday 3rd November 2024; Sunday 17th November 2024

Why not join us to explore connecting with and touching upon the stillness that is within us all


Individual Guidance

I extend an invitation to those who are ready to make a commitment to themselves on their path of inner transformation.

For individuals looking to help deepen their spiritual journey and to awaken to their true consciousness, this invitation is for you.

Virtual Meditation Classes

“Following a sudden and lasting shift in awareness 8 years ago, I committed to a daily meditation practice, not to ‘do’ meditation, but to allow meditation to arise within me. As the commitment to my inner transformation continued, further shifts occurred. My meditation practice has been constant throughout”